Exciting Update on Liberty State Park!


On March 11, The Liberty State Park Protection Act passed its first legislative hurdle with the New Jersey State Assembly’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.  Much gratitude to the Park’s main protectors, The Friends of Liberty State Park (FOLSP) led by FOLSP President, Sam Pesin.

This bill received a lot of local support, with our District’s Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight and Assemblymen Raj Mukherji and Nicholas Chiaravalloti sponsoring the Bill in its’ initial round in the Assembly. Mayor Fulop spoke out strongly against proposed privatization plans, and both the Jersey City Council and The Hudson County Freeholders unanimously passed resolutions in strong support of keeping the urban oasis that is LSP a free, public park for all.  However, the fight is not over, explained Pesin;

The LSP Protection Act is not expected get to the full Assembly or to the Senate Environment Committee until May due to the budget season in Trenton”, he explains. “I urge all park supporters to please continue to urge Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin and Senate President Stephen Sweeney to strongly support the bills to protect our great local, state and national greenspace behind Lady Liberty.”  The Senate Bill is being co-sponsored by Senators Sandra Bolden-Cunningham and Loretta Weinberg.  Help protect LSP by contacting our lawmakers (a link to their contact details and sample emails to send is below).

Power to the People and to the Park!

Take Action Now by Contacting Your Lawmakers by email or phone:



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