Founding and Protecting a Jersey City Landmark

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Morris Pesin is the Founding Father of LSP, and Sam Pesin is not only his proud son but the current protector of this treasured urban state park on the Jersey City waterfront.

As President of the Friends of Liberty State Park, a 30-year-old all-volunteer, non-profit group, Sam has co-led grassroots battles with the NY/NJ Baykeeper to valiantly protect the park from major privatization plans from the early 1990’s up to the present.

Though Governor Christie’s park-wide privatization plans were beaten back by a united front of the public and elected officials, unfortunately, his two major last minute privatization attempts have not been rejected by Governor Murphy.

Sam, what exactly is being proposed?

One threat is Suntex Marinas plan to basically confiscate the non-commercial southside of LSP and the other is Liberty National Golf Course’s wanting to lease away LSP’s Caven Point Natural Area.

Sam, what is the basic history of Liberty State Park?

LSP, America’s Bicentennial gift to our nation, turns 42 years old on June 14th. The essence of park history is that, after the transformation of a desolate, abandoned waterfront wasteland into a beautiful park, people put democracy into action and fought against major commercialization and privatization plans.

Many people have told me that they have stayed in Jersey City or moved here due to Liberty State Park. .LSP is truly sacred public land as it’s behind Lady Liberty and Ellis Island, and the park is scarce urban open space. The park is crucial to the quality of life for local urban people who are the park’s regular users and is also an inspiring park for all visitors.

Where does the marina plan stand as of now?

Governor Murphy before his inauguration, thankfully stated that he does oppose the Suntex Marinas plan and he stated that he supports the “preservation of LSP for future generations”. His NJDEP Commissioner hasn’t been confirmed yet, and I’m hoping it’s just a matter of time for the Governor to live up to his pledge and kill the marina plan which would have ruined the non-commercial, peaceful, family picnicking southside of the park. The marina plan that would have confiscated open space including the three popular and historic jetties and a 4-acre lawn, priceless harbor vistas and one of the two free southside parking lots.

Where does Liberty National Golf Course’s proposal stand as of now?

The Governor’s “Environmental and Energy Transition Team” specifically recommended against privatizing Liberty State Park but Governor Murphy has been silent on Liberty National Golf Course’s proposal to destroy the Caven Point wildlife sanctuary for migrating and resident birds and which provides annual environmental education opportunities for hundreds of students, and invaluable experiences for nature explorers of all ages in this crowded and concrete region. The golf course wants to relocate three golf holes to Caven Point. They say they need it for tournament staging and for a First Tee program for low income youth but they can use their own land where they wanted a casino and 90 story hotel or buy nearby private land or buy land by the Hudson County Skyway Golf Course which already has a First Tee Program. Caven Point was bought with state and federal funds for future generations and shouldn’t be handed over to this golf course for their multi-millionaire members.

What can we do to help?

Our focus is on the golf course’s push to lease away Caven Point. Dozens of people sent an initial message by writing to the DEP Office of Leases, but at this time, the best weapon is for people to write letters to The Jersey Journal at and the same letter can be sent to the JC Reporter at

If the Governor accepts the golf course’s proposal, we’ll need park supporters to press for a Saturday public hearing at LSP and for a month public comment period and eventually, we may need the public’s support for a state and federal lawsuit against this “diversion” of Caven Point’s intended use as a public natural area.

How can people stay involved with securing LSP as a public park on a regular basis?

I urge people who oppose the privatization of our invaluable park, a great public spiritual resource, to check the Friends’ website to follow us on social media and to sign up for periodic emails. Info is also there about our 4/7 Salt Marsh volunteer cleanup, our 4/21 Walk, and our 5/6 awards luncheon. We hope LSP supporters will come to our picnic protest on Sat. 6/9 at noon on the southside large jetty along Morris Pesin Drive.


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