Hanging at Latham House with Kris Yettra

Latham House Kris Yettra.jpg

It’s always inspiring to meet someone who makes a living doing what they love.  Kris Yettra, who co-owns Latham House with her husband, Dan Latham, is one of those inspiring people.  


Kris and Dan met over 30 years ago working in the New York City restaurant scene, where Kris worked in kitchens and as a General Manager (Kris also ran JC’s Majestic Bar for years). Today, Chef Dan runs the kitchen at Lathan House, whipping up big, tasty portions of American dishes with multicultural culinary slants. Kris manages daily operations, runs the front of house at dinner and brunch and is responsible for baking the Americana-inspired desserts that have built a cult following among foodies.  


From the warm service to the witty menu to the brand-new cocktail list, everything at Latham House feels exactly right. This family-run business (Kris and Dan’s daughter helps out when on break from Princeton, where she is a student) focuses on doing what they do know, and what they love.



You’re an LA Woman, originally. How did you end up here?

I came to New York for a long weekend to visit a friend I waited tables with and then never left. Wow, does anyone do that anymore?  It was the 80s, and New York was so different.  You could be more creative in finding ways to cover your rent.  Back then everyone paid cash, and there was so much of it being thrown around.

The restaurant business is notoriously difficult.  Yet here you are after so many years at this, and you still have so much passion and excitement. What’s your secret?

When this opportunity came about and Dan tried to convince me, I told him I would be part-time like three days a week. And of course now here I am working about 20 hours a day! But I love it, I am very lucky.  This is my house, this is where I spend most of my time, and so it has to be a happy place.


What’s the biggest challenge to running a successful restaurant?

Here in Jersey City, it’s staff hiring. There are lots of talented and professional restaurant staff who live here and think you need to work across the river to make good money.  But times have changed. You can make that money here now.

But we are lucky. We have an amazing team here right now and such good staff.


What’s the secret to putting together a great team? 

We operate like a family.  For me, when you feel you have control but it’s not in a negative way at all, that is very comforting.  I have my staff’s back and they know that. We all eat dinner together every night and work together so well so there is no conflict.   We also all chip in and things come together very naturally. I bartended last week when we were in a pinch, for instance. 


We also take their input on our menu and on our drinks menu and they really are excited to do that.  We had staff completely take over the beer list. So it’s good for them but also getting input and consensus on what people want makes for a better restaurant.  We know what we like but we want to listen to what people want at the same time. It is a give and take.


What’s been the most rewarding part of running Latham House so far?

I take it very seriously what an honor it is that people choose us.  It really is a magical thing every time people come in to our home and allow us to cook for them. That’s why we never rush tables.   You gave us your trust, and we respect that.   We have had so many amazing people walk through our doors and now they are friends.


Anything new in the works?

Yes we have got our new outdoor seating coming for the summer, and Dan is busy with his outdoor plantings.  And I just created our brand new cocktail menu. Would you like to try one?

Yes, but I am driving.

Ok. Just drive very slow.


 https://www.lathamhousejc.com, 299 Marin Blvd. 201-479-8432/


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