Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions with Brett Howard of The Pilates Haus

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It’s a tale as old as time – our resolution, come January of each year, to get in shape and lose weight.  Too often, our resolve fades over time, as does the popularity of fitness and diet fads that promise instant results.   


Brett Howard, Owner/Director of The Pilates Haus studio, located in the Powerhouse Arts District (PAD), explains why the practice of Pilates – which German-born physical trainer Joseph Pilates created in the 1920s – has endured as a popular fitness regimen, and how it can not only improve our fitness resolve, but our overall well-being.   The United States Pilates Association™ is a
How can practicing Pilates at your studio enhance one's existing exercise regimen, or support the start of a new one? 

Joseph Pilates referred to his method as Contrology, meaning a form of corrective exercise. Pilates develops a strong sense and awareness of one’s own body. When you have a better sense of self-embodiment other daily actions and movement patterns are improved on.


The name of one of his books was called “Return to Life through Contrology.” He believed that performing the movements of Pilates would allow and make possible what you would like to do in life. Many of our clients come to us initially with some kind of injury or restriction.  Through Pilates they not only start to feel better, but they start to engage in other movement modalities and sports. This is part of giving someone’s life back to them. People in life learn many things, but the majority of people never learn how to live in their own body. Pilates provides for that.


How do the benefits differ from yoga and Pilates?

Pilates and Yoga are both great forms of exercise. They are often grouped as similar to one another, but they are really like apples and oranges, it’s really difficult to compare and contrast the two.


Like Yoga, Pilates is a mind body workout. Joseph Pilates created the Pilates method of body conditioning as an exercise system focused on improving flexibility, strength and balance for the total body.  It is a series of controlled and systematic movements coupled with focused breathing patterns engaging your body, mind and spirit.


The Pilates method of body conditioning yields numerous benefits.  Strength, flexibility and stability, particularly of the abdomen and back muscles, coordination of both the physical and mental, are all key components in an effective Pilates program.  It increases lung capacity and circulation through deep healthy breathing.  Coordination, posture, balance, and core strength are all heartily increased.  Bone density and joint health improve, and individuals gain experiences in positive body awareness and self-embodiment.  The Pilates method teaches balance and control of the entire body, and that capacity spills over in ones every day existence, improving a person's quality of life



What is the best way for a newcomer to approach beginning Pilates with you? 

We ask all clients to start off by taking a minimum of three private sessions. After the initial privates they have the option of continuing with the privates, taking group classes (either Mat or Tower), or a combination of both privates sessions and group classes.



There is a nutrition plan (ayurvedic principles) associated with yoga.  Is there one with Pilates?

No, but I do find that when people start an exercise program they naturally start to make better dietary decisions.


You opened your studio in 2004.  Downtown has changed significantly since then in terms of development and demographics.  How has that - or anything else - reflected in terms of your clientele and their goals?

Our clientele has steadily grown with the growth of Jersey City. Jersey City is such an amazing place because of its diversity. The diversity of the City is reflected in the diversity of our clientele. Our clients range in age, ethnicity, and socio-economics. The environment of the studio is an environment of positivity and inclusiveness. It has become a community. It is common to be working out next to your neighbors. But it is also a great place to meet new people. Many clients have become great friends by working out with each other at the studio.


Our goal is to continue to provide a unique quality experience, to help in changing the bodies and lives of individuals and to continue to serve as a bastion to the community.


How has your experience been being a small business owner in JC?

It has been great! I love working with my wonderful staff that have become like family to me. I also love being able to talk and get to know every one of my clients.


Jersey City is wonderful because there are many small businesses. This helps give the city a distinctive identity. It is wonderful to be able to contribute to the character of the city.



What else would you like to share about the Pilates Haus? 

Our studio is a friendly and positive environment to work out in. All of our instructors are certified through the New York Pilates Studio® Teacher Certification Program, a comprehensive 675 hour hands-on training, and is the first and oldest professional Pilates training program in the world. The Pilates Haus is a certification Center of the program and individuals come from all over the world to train with us. The Pilates Haus' mission is to preserve and perpetuate Joseph Pilates original system of body conditioning as well as to introduce and provide a great exercise program to all.



The Pilates Haus, 155 2nd Street.  201-963-0436


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