Meet The Ultimate Queen of Getting It Done: Rachel Sieg


Rachel Sieg, in our humble estimation, is the ultimate queen of getting it done. The Princeton, NJ native and current Hilltop resident is the Executive Director of the Historic Downtown Special Improvement District (HDSID). In her 8 years on the job, Rachel has been at the helm of the sweeping revitalization of the Newark Ave. shopping district, along with developing Groove on Grove, the Grove Street Farmers Market, and the Annual All About Downtown Street Fair.  While the Downtown Street Fair has grown exponentially since its 2010 inception, this year’s crowd of 150,000 visitors surpassed all expectations, drawing a record 150,000 people to sample the best of JC’s vendors, artists, and entertainment.

“Rachel is a force of nature”, says former Downtown Councilwomen Candice Osborne, who selected her for a Woman of Action Award from the City in 2017. “She has an extremely difficult job, and she does it extremely well. So much of the positive changes we have seen downtown is due to her hard work and passion. Ask anyone who’s worked with her and they will echo that.”

So great to see you, Rachel. You are such a downtown mainstay that we forget that you didn’t actually grow up here.

Nope. I left Princeton [NJ] to attend Boston University. After graduation, my fiancée, who is now my husband, and I moved to San Francisco. I tried it out, but I was upset a lot of the time, because I was so so homesick for New Jersey. It was actually my Dad who recommended I move to Jersey City, he was really interested in the City and was reading and researching it constantly online. So, he found me an apartment online and I came back in 2010 and it’s been home ever since.

How did you find your job with the HDSID?

That was online, too. I saw an ad on Craigslist for a part-time job marketing and promoting the SID. It fit my background perfectly and I got the job. It started as 10 hours a week, which became 15 then 20 hours, and then I was promoted to Operations Manager. Now I am the Executive Director. It’s endless work, but it is so rewarding, and I work with the best people.

You have so much on your plate. Working with the City, the Mayor, business owners, your Board, community groups, running events.  And on top of that, you are completely responsible for fundraising.

Yes. The SID could not operate without raising money. When I raise 300,00 in a year, that’s when I can relax for a minute and think, OK, I did my job.

Incredible. This is a town full of groups who need to raise money to stay afloat. How do you do it?

Through our events.  That’s why we keep expanding The All About Downtown Street Fair. And because it’s also a great time for the community, and great opportunity for our businesses.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

You know, the best piece of career advice I ever got was from my great grandmother. She said, get a job close to home and just get a foot in the door. I love that I get to work and live in Jersey City, and I think it’s really important for my job. I really believe in keeping it local, in shopping local, in eating local.

This summer, The Newark Ave. Pedestrian Plaza expanded through to Jersey Ave. How has it been working?

I think it’s been great and the businesses have enjoyed it. This summer was a pilot, and I think we did it right to pilot in the summer when the weather is nice and everyone is out.

We know the initial Pedestrian Plaza had some detractors, as every project does. How did you handle that?

You have to listen to opposing views, but I am also very good at conflict. Because I am very thorough and do my research. And when I really believe in something, I am not going to let someone easily talk me out of it.

Are there any new developments in the Plaza that you are excited about?

Yes! The Amish Market is coming to JC where Tendershoots used to be. This is something we truly need downtown. I looked at the space and it’s really beautiful. I am so excited for everyone to see it. Hopefully it will open by September.

When people come to you and ask for advice on opening a business here, what do you tell them?

Take your time, and really do your research. Know the market. We have so many pizza restaurants here, so maybe that’s not the best idea. And look at the whole City. Look at Greenville. Look at Bergen-Lafayette. Let’s help all of our neighborhoods, not just Downtown.  But most importantly, do your research.

What are your favorite spots downtown?
That’s hard. I love all of our businesses, really. But I have to say one of my go-to spots is The Little Sandwich Shop. I can go in and there and hide in a corner and check my email and kind of zen out. I also love Orale as I am a big fan of Mexican food. And of course, Torico’s in the summertime. And you know, there is one business that deserves such a big shout out. Post-Net. The owner, he is so great to me,  and has been so supportive and helpful to the SID.

What do you do to relax, if ever you do?

I am getting better at that. A year ago, I started Acupuncture at New Jersey Acupuncture, which is in the Hilltop neighborhood where I live. I go twice a week for acupuncture and a massage, and no matter what is going on, I make it a priority.  I also started taking private lessons at Jane-Do. I love it. They kick my butt. We do weights, yoga, dance, trampoline, they mix it up. And they are so nice and so positive.

One final question, which we always have wanted to know. Who does your gorgeous hair? Hope you agree this question is not trivial. It’s hard building any business or just navigating the general environment these days, and a little self-care helps.

That is an important question, I agree. Building any business or initiative, when you can’t be sure of the outcome and so much is at stake, and you are working so hard, a little bit of self-care can go a long way to keep you energized and on task. I go to the amazing Kristina at Lovelane Salon on Columbus Drive. And she won an award last year for being one of best small businesses in Jersey City!


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