Jersey City Art School (JCAS) Beginner Sessions are Coming Up


We love art. Looking at it, talking about it. It confuses, inspires, excites and adds depth and perspective to life! It’s also intimidating but this is the year, we swear, we are going to try our hand at it with no expectations or judgement or self-recrimination allowed. And we found just the place – The Jersey City Art School.

The Beginning Drawing and Painting Class is an 8 Session class designed to train students to master foundation skills. These exercises include rendering the value scale (and no, we don’t  know what that means either, but we look forward to finding out!), gradients, using a viewfinder, sight-sizing, composition, various painting techniques (under-painting, glazing and something called alla prima) and still-life. We do love a still-life.

The beginning sessions start up in March and there are 3 time slots to choose from - Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thankfully JCAS supplies everything you need including oil paint, brushes, palette, palette knife and surfaces.

They also offer more advanced classes like an Art Materials Technique class and have a Pet Portrait Workshop that we can't wait to try once we feel prepared. Join us in class!

313 3rd Street @jcartschool


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Bienvenue Bon Vivant