Jersey City Pride Documentary Event March 26th!


Extra, extra (in a good way)! Join the Jersey City Pride team Sunday, March 26 at 2:45 pm at the Garden State Film Festival for the debut of the Jersey City Pride Documentary “Strength Through Visibility: 20 Years of Pride in Jersey City”.

The doc will be shown at Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, NJ.

From the crew behind JC Pride: This documentary not only chronicles Jersey City Pride’s history, it also provides a roadmap for people around the world who want to start Pride events with little to no support. We started by hearing “no” from the City and now Jersey City is one of the most welcoming cities in the world for LGBTQ+ people.

Congratulations to the team behind this and can’t wait to see the documentary. @jerseycitypride


Taxidermy, Tarot Readings, Burlesque and More!


Hats off to Hook