Paw Patrol – Phoebe’s Winter Tips for Dog Lovers


Winter is around the corner and like many dogs we know, our Phoebe loves herself a good snowy frolic. But where this is snow, there is ice, and extreme cold temperatures can occur too. All pose a risk to our pooches’ optimal health and wellness. To get a head start on a fine canine winter, we spoke to Sylvio “Marujo” Bastos, one of the most sought-after dog walkers and boarders in town. Here’s his top tips for winter doggy care:

Use the good salt. You can’t control the salt your neighbors use on the ground, but you can definitely get the good stuff for your own walkway.  You also don’t need to spend a ton of money buying fancy salt at online pet stores - Morton’s Safe-T Pet is fine and easy to find in grocery stores. Just keep in mind it’s fine enough but not great, explained Marujo; “It’s definitely better but any kind of salt can irritate their feet.” He suggests avoiding it altogether as much as possible and checking for irritation as soon as you can when you get home. Check for signs of irritation like whining and lifting their paws up.

Towel down. While you are checking out the paws for irritation, make sure to dry them off completely. Remember dogs don’t have an internal cooling mechanism as they don’t sweat. So, coming in from the cold and sitting in the heat to dry off could be pretty clammy and uncomfortable, says Marujo.

Pregame with Mushers Secret Paw Wax. “It’s the most incredible product ever,”says Marujo.  This salve is like Vaseline on steroids. Super luxurious, rub the balm between your dog’s paws, on their paw cushions and anywhere else that water could freeze into ice and make your poor doggy uncomfortable. You can find it on Amazon and do so sooner rather than later – this stuff sells out all the time.

Pamper, Pamper, Pamper. “I give all my clients extra food and water in the winter”, says Marujo. “Playing in the snow, walking and just being outside in cold temperatures takes extra energy for dogs. They need the extra effort from us.” They also need warmth and protection as much as possible. Coats and jackets (Marujo keeps extras on hand for his clients) are great and do not shave them down in the winter. Ever. P.S. You can see adorable photos of his dogs on his IG@marujobastos.

Finally, don’t let the fur coat fool you. If it’s too cold out there for you, same goes for your dog. Let them do what they need to do, then get back inside.

On behalf of Phoebe and all of us at TMG, have a great winter!


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