Phoebe’s Do’s and Don’ts – Summer 2023 Edition


The official prognosis from the weather people is that this summer is going to be one of the hottest on record for the East Coast. If you are in the camp that welcomes such news, congratulations. Either way, it is a good time to prepare to keep our dogs safe and as comfortable as possible in the heat. They can’t sweat it out like us humans, after all. With the help of our vet friends at Abingdon Sq. Veterinary, we have compiled a quick list of tips for the protection of Phoebe and her many canine associates;

DO test the pavement before taking your dog out for a walk. Walk barefoot. If it burns your feet, the same thing is going to happen to your pooches’ paws. Carry them or even drive to a shaded spot to do their business when it’s really hot.

DO NOT leave your dog in the car. Ever. Period. No ifs, ands, or butts. If you do it once, it’s entering a dangerous gateway. Leaving the window pried open in the middle of July isn’t going to do a darn thing. And if you think it’s OK to leave your car running with the a/c on while you pop in somewhere? Not in Jersey City.

DO trim your dog’s hair if it’s long but DO NOT shave your dog, ever. The fur protects them from sunburn.

DO NOT give your pup ice cubes to suck on, or ice-cold water to drink. Yes, this surprised us too. They have the potential to cause upset tummies.

DO let your dog enjoy some fun in the water, be it a kiddie pool or at the beach. If at the beach, make sure they have shade at all times and DO NOT let them swim – however good they are – unattended. Dogs are an easy target for sea lice (gross, right?) and jellyfish. And remember, if the sand is too hot for your feet, the same for your dog. Stick ‘em in a stroller if need be.

DO keep them well-ventilated on road trips. You can line their travel crate with wrapped ice packs.

Finally, have a fabulous summer with your dog!


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