Phoebe’s Picks – Help LHS Save a Four-Legged Life


You may be aware of the situation at Liberty Humane Society right now through their and/or others shared social media posts. In short, they are way over capacity for large dogs and desperate for help from our community. If you did not receive their email or post, here is a recap of ways to help LHS and the dogs they are trying to save;

Adopt a 35 pound-plus dog for free. LHS is waiving all fees for large dogs. You can go to their website to search all currently available dogs at 

If adoption is not an option, consider volunteering to foster. Foster volunteers are critically needed by LHS to handle the current intake. Again, you can find the foster application on the website.

If you know of any rescues that can take large dogs, please go ahead and email And, talk talk talk to friends, families, colleagues, everyone you know who loves dogs and wants to support these efforts.

To that, there are other critically important ways to help LHS’s mission and work. You can donate your time at the shelter or you can donate funds either as a direct gift or by shopping off their Amazon wishlist, also on their website.

This is not just an issue for LHS – shelters throughout NJ and NY are also at full capacity. Hopefully we can help ease the situation, however possible, one action at a time.


This Café Shall Remain Nameless


New Pottery Place in Hamilton Park